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Chris's Island Chef Recipes

Featured Recipe by Chris Gott - Cantonese Pork

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Cantonese Pork - Crispy fried pork in a delicious pungent sauce.

Course: Main Course

Prep Time: 30 minutes 

Cook Time: 30 minutes 

Servings 4 people

Author - Christian Gott


  • Wok


For the Sauce

  • 1 large Carrot peeled and cut into fine strips
  • 1 Red Pepper diced
  • 1 small bunch Spring Onions washed and very finely sliced
  • 1 small Red Chilli finely sliced ( you can omit this but I like a little kick of Chilli )
  • 6 Cloves Garlic peeled and crushed
  • 3 cm piece Ginger peeled and finely chopped
  • A generous pinch Chinese Five Spice
  • 2 Cloves
  • 1 tablespoon Corn Flour approximately
  • 100 ml quality Chicken Stock
  • 2 tablespoons Vegetable Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Soft Brown Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons Sherry Vinegar
  • 2 tablespoon Rice Wine
  • 1 tablespoon Tomato Paste
  • 1 tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce
  • A small bunch Coriander for garnishing

For the Crispy Fried Pork

  • 500 grams Pork Loin skin removed, washed and diced
  • 2 Egg Whites
  • Juice of 1 Lemon
  • 60 grams Cornflour
  • 1 teaspoon Fine Sea Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
  • 5 litres Vegetable Oil


For the Sauce

  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok and stir-fry the carrots, garlic and ginger for two to three minutes then add the pepper.
  2. In a small pan, heat the chicken stock, vinegar, rice wine, sugar, cloves and Chinese five spice and bring to the boil.
  3. Simmer for five minutes then thicken with the cornflour mixed with a little water and the tomato puree.
  4. After another five minutes simmering, strain into the wok and set on a very low heat.

For the Pork

  1. Sieve the cornflour into a large bowl and add a generous amount of salt and cayenne pepper. In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites and lemon juice.
  2. Dip the pork cubes into the corn flour, the egg whites and back into the corn flour.
  3. In your wok or a large heavy bottomed pan heat the oil to 160°C / 320 F using a thermometer to check.
  4. If you do not have a thermometer have a few cubes of stale white bread to hand. Place in a bread cube in the oil if it rises to the surface and cooks to a golden brown in a couple of minutes the oil is hot enough.
  5. Fry the pork in batches carefully lowering into the hot oil, for around six to eight minutes or until the batter is crisp and golden. Turn from time to time with a large slotted spoon.
  6. When the pork is cooked, remove from the hot oil, using the slotted spoon, and drain on kitchen paper and keep hot in a warm oven.
  7. When all the pork is cooked place into the hot sauce with the finely sliced spring onions and vegetables. Stir and then serve with steamed rice and garnish with fresh coriander (add an egg if you are feeling adventurous).